Monthly Archives: July, 2013

Movings & Shakings
Movings/Shakings: 12 July

ZO moves up the road, Bauer moves up the hill, The Sweet Shop’s new tech head, Robert Munro goes back to his agency roots, Justin Flitter joins Aamplify, Shaun Pettigrew joins Collective Force, new hire for Heyrex, NZ Reseller News is reborn online and Mi9 adds one to the pile.

Bruce Lee rises (boringly)

When he was alive, Bruce Lee was a fighting machine. But for a Chinese ad, Johnnie Walker and BBH have managed to turn the CGI version into a boring, overly earnest, self-help guru who runs his hands through water slowly and says things like ‘do you have the guts to follow your gut’. Where are the flying kicks?

Liking in the real world

Do you know a business or marketing department that could benefit from real-time reassurances of their supposed awesomeness? You might want to treat them to a ‘fliike’ Facebook like counter.

Put ’em in the stocks: abstract office life

Offices are great. Free envelopes, unlimited instant coffee, beautiful fluorescent light, increased chances of early death. But how do you accurately portray this scene? Getty Images has collated a series of strange images from its collection. And we’re sure everyone (especially those who find life-size parrots attractive) will be able to relate.

The trouble with sharing

There have been plenty of column inches dedicated to matters of online security and data collection in recent months. So how easy is it for ‘freaks to take over your life?’ by stealing someone’s identity? Duval Guillaume Modem, the Belgian agency behind the fantastic ‘Dramatic Surprise on a Quiet Square’, decided to find out by scaring the bejesus out of one Tom Degroote in an effort to draw attention to safe internet banking behaviour.

Selling Smart TVs with erections, violence and prostitutes

Dumb TVs are out. Smart TVs are in, although several studies show very few actually use the TVs for their intended purpose or even connect them to the internet because, as Wired says, “Smart TVs are the literal, biblical devil.” According to NPD, “fewer than 15 percent of smart-TV owners are listening to music, surfing the internet or shopping on their TVs.” But BGH is trying to change all that with a new campaign via Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi and Primo that shows a man with an annoying erection, a man getting punched in the face and a man looking for a prostitute—and all of them like to send emails to actors from their TV.

Battle of the building shows: TVNZ’s Dream Home takes the early DIY lead

According to the latest Paymark figures, DIY action as a result of the buoyant Auckland housing market and the Christchurch rebuild have helped boost overall year on year retail spending in New Zealand by 4.3 percent. And there’s also been a boost in the number of TV shows aiming to tap into this domestic fever, with Mitre 10 Dream Home returning to TV2’s screens last week after a four year hiatus and Aussie powerhouse House Rules starting on TV3 last night. But it’s the homegrown effort that’s so far luring the most Kiwi DIY lovers.

Would they lie to you? TBWA\ puts senior agency folk to the test for Effies campaign

There are many people in this world who assume those who work in the field of advertising are basically paid liars. But are they really? As part of a campaign to drum up interest in the Effies, TBWA\ has attempted to find out by filming a host of senior agency folk taking a lie detector test. And, as you’d expect, the results make for very entertaining and enlightening viewing.

TVCs of the Week: 9 July

After scanning the nation’s big and small data, the GCSB has decided that The Co-operative Bank’s ode to profits, Pio’s multiple personality disorder and ANZ’s moments of clarity are this week’s worthy winners.

XXX! Hot slats! XXX!

Apparently there’s a lot of porn on the internet. As all the staff at StopPress are pure as the driven snow, we’re not sure if this is true. And we’re also unaware if, which takes a unique approach to showcasing Ikea beds, is modelled on the content and headlines of certain adult sites.

The return of the profit: The Co-operative Bank celebrates its coming of age—and its main point of difference

The Co-operative Bank rebranded from PSIS after it got its official bank license last year. And while it kept pretty quiet about the change, it has come out swinging with a new campaign via Y&R that flips the typically negative response to the announcement of record bank profits on its head and aims to show it’s a bank that’s “driven by your prosperity, not our profit”.

Freeview embraces the many faces of Pio for latest push

In June last year, Pio Terei hit the screens as Freeview’s new mascot and, with the help of its agency True, he attempted to convince those Kiwi TV viewers clinging to their analogue signals to buy a box and get their content for free. And the man of many acting talents has channelled Eddie Murphy in a new ad shot by Greg Page of Flying Fish to showcase the kind of shows that are available on the platform.

Sponsors make hay while Murray shines

Not surprisingly, the British press went berserk after Andy ‘History Boy’ Murray became the first British male to win Wimbledon since 1936 (check out a few of the front pages here, the best of which was from The Times). And, also not surprisingly, the sponsors are getting their pound of flesh too.