Browsing: social media

Nurture the cream of your social crop

If you don’t want your company to be the socially awkward kid in new world of communication between brands and consumers, make sure you look after your two-and-a-half percent, says Kiwi marketing guru Sarah O’Hagan.

Make your company a social animal

Company leaders afraid of losing control by using enterprise social networks should know their company needs to communicate with networks as much as individuals using personal social media, says Yammer’s co-founder.

The Edge shows radio’s social side

The Edge FM is continuing its growth on social media with the announcement its Twitter account has been given the ever sought after ‘blue tick’. The ‘blue tick’, which verifies The Edge’s Twitter feed as an authentic handle, will deepen the radio station’s relationship with its fans and increase its reach, according to marketing manager Emily Hancox.

Would Tony tweet that?

Tony Abbott’s been in the news for a string of gaffes, now his rivals are imagining tweets that would make him really unpopular. Nothing’s new in the murky world of political campaigning, except perhaps catchy music.

Taco Bell goes loco

Ever wanted a product to come to your country so badly you just had to have a whinge to the maker? These Canadian fans really wished they hadn’t when Taco Bell went a bit loco and made them literally eat their words.

Mogul’s social app set for US debut
By, the cloud-based web app that aggregates and displays social media activity – developed by Hawkes Bay digital marketing agency Mogul – will take centre stage in San Francisco early next month. Not bad timing with fever around a certain boat race series hotting up.

Westfield wants you to pin its fashion

Shopping mall chain Westfield has paired with retail ad agency IdeaWorks to launch a new campaign to highlight its fashion offerings on Pinterest. The ‘Repin It’ campaign encourages Pinterest users to use the repin button – similar to using the retweet button on Twitter – to share Westfield products with their followers on the social network.

So long and thanks for all the fish, Shearer

So Shearer’s been shorn. Bad headlines have been written. And since his resignation bombshell earlier this afternoon, Twitter lit up with reaction and people touting successors (our favourite: ‘We’ll never forget you Damon Shearer!’).

Playing the information pokies

The government recently gave SkyCity the right to operate a few extra pokies in exchange for building a new convention centre. More than a few commentators were aghast at the decision to increase the number of filthy money suckers and concerned about the impact it might have on low-income families. But please, won’t someone think of the rich people? What impact will more conventions have on them? Turns out there are some similarities between the two groups because in an article in Wired magazine about the rise of meditation and mindfulness in Silicon Valley, it described another, some might say even more insidious addiction that is becoming increasingly prevalent in some areas of the business community.

Contagion loses a chunk of Telecom—UPDATED

There are plenty of changes occurring inside Telecom at the moment, and while some significant staff culling has led to an increase in the amount of out-sourcing in some parts of the business, Telecom Retail is relinquishing Contagion of one of its responsibilities.

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