Browsing: All Blacks

All Blacks ‘fess up about sponsor

Find out which brand of deodorant our favorite world champions really use… and whether it has ever let them down. Warning: way too much information from Ma’a. No one uses the word ‘stiffy’ anymore.

Nielsen data shows Heineken on top of RWC sponsorship pile, but All Blacks supporters high up the list

There’s been a lot of chatter about the benefits of sponsorship and the threat of ambush marketing over the past few months. Some believed the All Blacks were a more valuable property to be associated with, others believed the Rugby World Cup was worth the sizable investment. So we were interested to see this Nielsen data showing which brands the hoi polloi perceived as sponsors of the event in June and then again in October. 

Go the Ad Blacks!

Despite the modern world’s waning interest in news via paper, print is still the best way to create contextual ads. And, as you’d expect, various brands—whether official sponsors of the tournament, teams or players or not—went riding on the coattails of the All Blacks and the success of event itself. There will undoubtedly be a range of different rugby-related commercial communications on their way, but the host of ads that ran in the New Zealand Herald on Monday show print’s main benefit: speed. Top marks go to Weet-bix, Mastercard and Steinlager, with a campaign that also formed the basis of the day’s cartoon. 

Barkers goes Black in new campaign, acknowledged for e-commerce success

Every man and his dog is trying to get a piece of the rugby pie at the moment, some officially, some not so officially. Barkers is the official formalwear supplier to the All Blacks, and to leverage its sponsorship it’s just launched the ‘Not Any’ campaign. But wait, there’s more: Barkers has also been named as the only New Zealand finalist in the Australasian Online Retail Industry Awards (ORIAs), the only awards in Australasia that recognises and rewards excellence in ecommerce retailing. 

All Blacks? Pffff, KFC supports Mountain Dew

In what appears to be yet another instalment of Attack of the RWC Loopholes, we received a rather excited email the other day with a photo of the newly repainted KFC Balmoral in Auckland that showed what they thought was evidence of KFC supporting the All Blacks. And while this would be the logical conclusion to jump to, the official line is that it has nothing at all to do with rugby. It’s simply to promote a new variety of Mountain Dew called Pitch Black. 

Thou shall abstain from a sense of humour: Telecom and Saatchi & Saatchi’s anti-rumpy pumpy rugby campaign

If a sign of a successful campaign is the courting of controversy, then Telecom and partners in crime Saatchi & Saatchi are well placed. But the wealth of opinions that have gushed forth following the unveiling of the ‘Abstain for the All Blacks’ campaign seems to have those involved retreating for shelter. Meanwhile others have offered alternative campaigns of a similar vein.

Supreme magazine honours supreme team with Steinlager-sponsored collector’s edition

Where there is rugby, there is often beer, as anyone who’s visited the clubrooms after a game anywhere in New Zealand could probably well attest. And Lion and Tangible Media’s NZ Rugby World have joined forces to put out a special collector’s edition that takes an in-depth look at the All Blacks’ tremendous achievements over the past 25 years and is sponsored exclusively by Steinlager to coincide with the 25th anniversary of its support of the All Blacks and the launch of its new ‘We Believe’ campaign.

Out-of-home, technology and pavement pounding collide in The Powerade Challenge

For years, brands have created ads and placed them in appropriate media in the hope that they’d help sell more of their stuff. These days, brands are increasingly creating experiences in the real world that are relevant to the product and involving consumers in those experiences. And The Powerade Challenge, a 9km running course/interactive marketing campaign around Auckland’s waterfront, is a prime example of this shift. 

Steinlager’s beermented reality app

Not satisfied with simply being the beer sponsor for the All Blacks, Steinlager has gone all gadgety with its latest venture—an iPhone app that helps All Blacks supporters find their way around town whislt keeping them up to date with real-time stream of All Blacks news. And, because ending up passed out in a gutter somewhere isn’t ideal, the app also helps ensure you get home safely. 

When playmakers meet carmakers: Ford’s collaborative AB35 campaign nears its conclusion

With the NZRU’s increasingly commercial approach, seeing All Blacks on our TV screens endorsing something isn’t particularly unusual these days. But the problem is that they’re often forced to act and, as most know very well, rugby players don’t make particularly good actors. Thankfully, Ford and JWT have avoided that trap with the AB35 campaign, which lets the lads design their very own pimped out Fiesta with the help of the Ford team.  

Winning MasterCard’s PR business: priceless

MasterCard Worldwide has appointed Acumen Republic as its New Zealand communications agency after a competitive pitch and it will manage MasterCard’s corporate, consumer and government relations, as well as marketing communications activity for its sponsorship of Rugby World Cup 2011 and the All Blacks.

Smell of victory mixes with smell of deodorant as Rexona wins February Ad Impact Award

The All Blacks are everywhere these days, flogging houses, beer, Coke Zero, undies, national airlines, deodorant, sporting gear and a massive range of other products. And after the consumer votes were tallied by Colmar Brunton for February’s round of the Ad Impact Award, Rexona’s All Black-laden ‘Rituals’ ad by Naked Communications Sydney and Curious Film’s Lance Kelleher has taken out the top spot.

Tricks of the trade: All Blacks show off their mad summer skillz

The All Blacks skills video that was released last year to promote Sky’s Rugby Channel was a big hit. So much so that a few players from the Brumbies even tried to replicate it, with very little success but plenty of comedy value. Well, the skillful, playful All Blacks—and the special effects jiggery pokery of Brandspank—have just released a new summer edition, with some particularly impressive snarler skills being displayed by Corey Jane.

Hello Dolly: Air New Zealand, Flying Fish and .99 caught in sex toy romp

BNZ’s GlobalPlus has, up until very recently, been the only credit card where users were able to earn Air New Zealand Air Points through their everyday purchases. But the airline decided to expand its credit card offerings in November, which means New Zealand Airpoints Members can now earn Airpoints Dollars with a few new banking providers. And what better way to show off this exciting evolution than with a sexy, slightly ridiculous romp around Auckland with a blow-up doll.

Ads@6: 6 – 16 August

This week on Ads@6, a bravura performance from the smarmy kid in Tower’s ‘Poochi’ spot; Michael Schumacher goes upside down for Mercedes;  MYOB hits the target; Al Brown gets dirty in Persil’s ‘Have a Go’ campaign; Tena has a bit of a laugh at the hilarious realm of female incontinence; the All Blacks get slurpy with Up&Go; and the much-loved Spray and Walk away guy returns.

Air New Zealand embraces All Blacks, Kiwi charm and naked old ladies for new safety video

Given the fact that well over six million humans watched Air New Zealand’s ‘The Bare Essentials of Safety’ video on YouTube, it was always going to be a tough act to follow. But the new safety video, which launched today on its branded YouTube channel and aims to show how crazy the airline is about rugby in the lead-up to next year’s Rugby World Cup, certainly doesn’t seem to be suffering from second album syndrome. 

All Blacks go slurp sliding away

Who it’s for: Sanitarium Up & Go by Ogilvy.

Why we like it: Like farts, double rainbows and men getting hit in the groin, that slurping noise you get near the end of a drink will never stop being funny, especially when it involves the All Blacks. Good …

All Blacks press the flesh, Dan’s pressed flesh gets brushed

Ah New Zealand, what an egalatarian paradise you are, a place where you can shake hands with the Prime Minister without fear of being tackled by secret service agents, where anyone can play golf, squash or tennis without being harrassed by bogans for being an aristocrat and where an All Black can deliver your mail and make you a cup of tea.

TBWA namecheck in NY

Advertising Week in New York last week was the 6th annual gathering of creatives Stateside. The five days were filled with discussions and showcases on what’s making waves across all the advertising mediums. It even had a Battle of the Ad Bands concert. One notable presentation was by Jessica …