Author Ben Fahy

Déjà view

A couple of months back, StopPress created something of an online hullabaloo after it ran a story on an unfortunate pictorial oversight.

NZ Life and Leisure magazine ran an image on their September cover that had been used on the February 2008 cover of KiaOra, Air New Zealand’s magazine …

DraftFCB puts money where its mouth is

There were undoubtedly quite a few advertising and marcomms eyeballs focused on Prime TV last night as series three of Mad Men kicked off.

And while all the regular characters were present and correct, some observant viewers may have noticed a new addition to the line-up: DraftFCB

ANZ cut ties with M&C Saatchi

M&C Saatchi’s staff ranks have changed substantially in the last seven days. And its client roster has followed suit after it was announced that ANZ has officially cut ties with the agency.

Record levels of carousal detected at 2009 Marketing Awards

‘Twas a night of much revelry and celebration for the marketing industry; a cathartic melee that laughed in the face of 2009’s Great Depression.

You can pass judgement on the winners here. And thanks to DNA and Getty Images, you can also pass judgement on the attendees and their …

2009 TVNZ NZ Marketing awards: both new and improved

Les Mills' Bodyvive

A sell-out crowd of 370 industry juggernauts donned their glad rags and ventured to the Crowne Plaza on Friday night to honour this year’s best marketers and engage in what can only be described as feverish mingling at the new and improved 2009 TVNZ New Zealand …

Get your Crump on

They’ve been gone for nearly 15 years. But Barry and Scottie are back–and this time, it’s personal.

A new website run by the Crump Family trust and dedicated to all things Barry aims to bring his books, his voice and those fantastic Toyota ads back to life …

Reverse signchology

Firestone Glen Innes wasn’t actually voted worst coffee in East Auckland. But it has been voted ‘most captivating local sign of Friday afternoon’ by a panel of StopPress experts.

Oetgen heads outdoors

Brett Oetgen has been named general manager of the Outdoor Media Association of New Zealand (OMANZ).

Pauline Hanton, chair of OMANZ, says: “We are delighted that Brett has accepted this new role, as it fits with our vision to grow the outdoor sector and better represent the interests of outdoor …

McAteer goes south

It wasn’t too long ago that Patrick McAteer, general manager of New Zealand’s largest post production studio, Oktobor, was announcing four major new appointments.

But now he warrants an announcement of his own.

Embrace your sloganic creativity and win better friends

Town branding, as Jonathan Dodd pointed out in the Herald, has a nasty habit of being exceptionally easy to ridicule, particularly if the slogan that eventually makes it onto the welcome sign is based on lies, unrealistic expectations or blatant straw-clutching.

Of course, town branding can work. But the message …

Lizard King finds his musical minions

The auditions have closed and Iggy has spoken.

As part of a promotion from telecommunications company Orcon for its next generation broadband, New Zealand musicians were offered the chance to lay down Iggy Pop’s renowned solo track ‘The Passenger’ online.

Melrose placed (at M&C)

Darryn Melrose has only been with M&C Saatchi for 24 hours, but he has already set about “re-energising” his new agency and improving its digital strategy.

News that M&C Saatchi CEO Nick Baylis had moved on and would be replaced by Melrose surfaced yesterday.

Melrose says he wasn …

Telecom goes viral – literally

Telecom said their new whatchamacallit logo could literally be anything we wanted it to be. They told us, in rather non-committal fashion, it was our job to attach meaning. And attach meaning we did. Some thought it was expressive, floral and energetic. Some thought it was an “arseterisk”. Some thought …

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