
2009 TVNZ NZ Marketing awards: both new and improved

May Quarterly Vive A2.inddLes Mills' Bodyvive

A sell-out crowd of 370 industry juggernauts donned their glad rags and ventured to the Crowne Plaza on Friday night to honour this year’s best marketers and engage in what can only be described as feverish mingling at the new and improved 2009 TVNZ New Zealand Marketing Awards.

There were winners, there were other sorts, there were speeches and there was much revelry (thanks Morton Estate). And it was a fitting tribute to the best in the business, with this year’s winners and finalists earning additional kudos for boosting business against a backdrop of global economic armageddon.

Gillian MunnikGillian Munnik

Martin Devlin MCed with aplomb, the musical stylings of Gourmet Pepper and Raylee Bradfield led to an array of uncoordinated dancing and co-hosts Vincent Heeringa and Sue McCarty remained surprisngly sober throughout proceedings.

But enough about that. Here’s the good stuff. The winners are:

  • Fairfax Media Supreme Award and the Colmar Brunton Customer Services Award: Les Mills–Bodyvive.
  • New Zealand Post Marketer of the Year: Gillian Munnik, manager, marketing and operations for shareholder and supplier services at Fonterra.
  • Geon Rookie Marketer of the Year: Dave Shoemack, Export Gold and Export 33 brand manager at DB Breweries.
  • TVNZ NZ Marketing Hall of Fame: Peter Spencer.
  • Morton Estate Wines Retail Award: Air New Zealand
  • New Zealand Post Business-to-Business Award: The University of Auckland Business School.
  • Idealog New Media and Marketing Award: Department of Labour–Magnet.
  • Smartsource Marketing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Award: Frucor–Mizone Rapid.
  • DNA Not-For-Profit Award: The National Screening Unit of the Ministry of Health–National Cervical Screening Programme.
  • TVNZ Consumer Durables: Roche Products–Neupogen.
  • University of Otago Emerging Business Award: BrandCom–TaxRefunds.co.nz.

University of Auckland Business SchoolUniversity of Auckland Business School

Mizone rapidMizone rapid

Department of LabourDepartment of Labour

Thanks to our sponsors, especially principle ones TVNZ and Fairfax, and our partners in these awards, the NZ Marketing Association.

To the assembled throng the Marketing Association’s chief cheese Sue McCarty said: “This is the only awards programme in New Zealand that recognises great, innovative, market-led organsiations and the business and marketing professionals leading them. We congratulate all the entrants and especially the winners.

“What’s more, we are delighted to be co-hosting tonight’s event with HB Media. Together with HB Media, we will be exploring new ways to evolve and grow this awards programme, raising its profile so that we identify and celebrate outstanding business success as a result of great marketing.”

She says the nicest things.

Make sure you check out the November/December edition of NZ Marketing magazine for an in-depth dissection of all the winners and finalists.

Dave ShoemackDave Shoemack

Air New Zealand cranial billboardAir New Zealand cranial billboard

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