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Partner articles
Inside KPEX: media agency experts weigh in

From the outset, the success of KPEX would largely depend on the willingness of media buyers to plug into the exchange and buy the inventory on behalf of their clients. And it didn’t take long for that to happen. Only a short few months after KPEX inventory became available, many major media strategists plugged in and started bidding. Here’s what a few think of the offering so far.

Partner articles
Bauer and Sovereign find a win-win-win in branded content

Sovereign’s brand platform ‘Life. Take Charge’ was about moving away from simply being a health insurance ambulance at the bottom of the cliff to becoming a company that could help make Kiwis healthier. And to achieve that goal, it worked with Bauer to conduct research, uncover insights and create bespoke health and wellbeing content that ran in print and online.

Partner articles
Linking arms: why Fairfax, MediaWorks, NZME and TVNZ formed KPEX

When the Australian media companies attempted to come together to form a similar alliance across the ditch, the effort failed because various players were simply unwilling to collaborate. But the local players did not allow the same to happen. Setting aside their partisan differences and prioritising the importance of creating a strong local programmatic network, Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, NZME and TVNZ successfully came together to form KPEX.
Here’s why the execs determined the move was worthwhile.

Partner articles
The allure of unsexy marketing

Their business has been called the ‘unsexy side of marketing’ by one of New Zealand’s leading business publications, but the partners of Auckland-based digital marketing firm Search Republic aren’t bothered. Two years after launch, the search-based consultancy is delivering outstanding – and seductive – results. And it’s only just getting started.