Business, family, community, whaling and flash cars

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Who’s it for: BNZ by Sugar, Exile Films and Franklin Road.

Why we like it: Portraying banks as good, honest business/community/family builders is a pretty tough sell at present given the financial sector’s greed and recklessness played a large part in that pesky global financial crisis. But that’s exactly what BNZ has done with its new campaign and so far it seems to be fairly polarising. Some think the three-pronged docu-ad is too bland; some think it doesn’t talk enough about large-scale tax evasion or sneaky fees; some think there’s a kernel of truth and realism to it (which is certainly more than can be said for the gaggle of animated pigs) that might tug on cynical Kiwi heartstrings and help improve the bank’s reputation; some say “meh, I guess it’s pretty good — for a bank ad. Nice camera angles”; and some simply can’t resist the deep, dulcet tones of the voiceover talent.

And while this billboard obviously isn’t a TVC, who cares. We think it’s still deserving of a spot on the podium. The gang at Running With Scissors has put together a new campaign for Mercedes-Benz called ‘Others Follow’ that aims to alert consumers to the fact that the German carmakers were behind some of the world’s major automotive developments, including the invention of the car, as can be seen in this billboard that’s set to go up in Newmarket.

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