
Augusto pulls together new Labour campaign ad in two weeks

Augusto has stepped into the political fray, helping Labour to pull together a TV ad featuring new party leader Jacinda Ardern. 

According to a statement from the Labour Party, the ad was created in a little over two weeks and filmed over seven days by the team at Augusto, supported by “a number of creative individuals” (Labour has yet to respond to a request for further information on these creative partners). 

“The urgency required quick thinking and fast decisions, so after two concepting sessions, filming began and the final shots were captured live at the Labour Party campaign launch less than 48 hours ago,” says Augusto co-founder Leon Kirkbeck.   

Labour’s 2017 campaign manager Andrew Kirton says the aim of the campaign was to convey a message that this “election is a key moment in time, where we can either vote for more of the same, or vote for a leader and a party that has a positive vision for the future”.

This spot follows on from Labour’s earlier effort via controversial Australian agency Moss Group which featured former party leader Andrew Little fronting the campaign and speaking about the importance of adopting ‘A fresh approach’. (StopPress is still awaiting a response from the Labour party in regard to whether Moss Group was involved with the new campaign.) 

With the departure of Little, the political party election slogan has since been updated to the ‘Let’s do this‘ call to action prevalent in the new ad.   

The new ad goes to air tomorrow, 23 August 2017.

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