Author Radio New Zealand

AirNZ CCO resigns

Air New Zealand’s chief commercial and customer officer, Cam Wallace, has resigned from the role due to the airline’s current domestic status amid the pandemic. Cam…

Expert says PR needs an ethical upgrade

People point the finger at politicians, platforms and the news media for the spread of fake news and misinformation, but an expert tells Mediawatch the PR industry’s role usually goes under the radar – and an ethics upgrade is urgent.

Convergence: yesterday’s media buzzword is now the new normal

Once upon a time our major media companies and telcos were none of each others’ business. Now they are all up in each others’ business because of ‘convergence’ driven by digital technology and the internet. TVNZ’s board told the government it won’t be getting a return in this crowded market and this week media bosses told Mediawatch the big players can’t all survive in it much longer.

Broadcasting watchdog targets ‘harm’

‘Freedom in Broadcasting without Harm’ is the newly-stated mission of our most powerful media watchdog. The BSA is also asking if broadcasting standards need to change after the Christchurch mosque attacks. This could be controversial against the backdrop of increased angst about hate speech and freedom of expression these days.

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