
Jacinda Ardern calls on Kiwi creatives to help with the vaccine rollout

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that Government and Auckland community health services would be rolling out a vaccine bus service from Thursday.

In an effort to up vaccination rates in specific Auckland communities, the announcement comes as Government intends to lower New Zealand’s largest city’s Alert Level to 3.

“The initial plan is to take them into areas where we know vaccination numbers have been low, or people have not been able to access those vaccination services as easily,” the PM said on Tuesday during the 1pm presser.

But, of course the new service needs a catchy name and cleaver branding. For this the PM has called on creative Kiwis.

“I’ll leave it in the hands of creative New Zealanders. I know when you’ve seen challenges like this put out, you see enormous amounts of creativity.”

“As long as it’s not Bussy McBus Face,” she joked.

Several catchy names have since been offered up on social media, including Yabba, Jabba, Doo, The Vaxi Taxi and Jablian Savea.


Of course, some don’t find the fun in it, or aren’t creatively minded.

The StopPress team also had a crack at it and like the idea of the ‘Jiving Jab Cabs’ complete with top-of-the-range sound system to get the community rocking while they get vaccinated.

‘Hit me with your best shot, Pfizer awayyy!’

And seeing as our readers are mostly creatively minded, we wanted to find out if there were any other creative marketing suggestions. Honestly, is anyone actually working much in these final days of strict lockdown?

Hit us with your best idea.

The four options

On Wednesday evening the PM took to Facebook to share the four names that made the cut, and asked the public to vote for their favourite. The options are: Jabba Waka, Shot Bro, Jabbin Wagon and Vaxi Taxi.

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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