
Phantom Billstickers launch into the digital screen world

‘Locky Docks’, New Zealand’s first public infrastructure double-sided digital screen network has launched thanks to the creative brains at Phantom Billstickers and Big Street Bikes.

Cleverly located in high traffic locations, the app-activated bike racks act as recharging stations for up to 10 electric bikes or scooters, and at zero cost. Both sides of the rack are covered by a 2.4 metre-high plinth that features a two-sided digital screen, one side as urban maps and info, and the other as a changing showcase for Phantom’s clients.

Phantom marketing manager Ben Stonyer says Locky Docks are financially sustainable for e-bikers as they have been supported by advertising.

“They’re provided at zero cost to the public or private property owners, and they’re free for everyone to use. In return our clients get street-level exposure to a whole new audience of kiwis out socialising, commuting and going about their everyday business.

“When you add these super-smart digital sites to Phantom’s 6,500 street poster frames, you can see the possibilities for outdoor ad campaigns that reach the parts other posters cannot reach.”

The smart-tech digital posters can also detect the attention people pay, which provides advertisers with an idea of the consumers each campaign is reaching and whether they are intrigued.

Christchurch will be the first city to host Locky Docks, with ten racks planned to be installed in early June. Digital poster campaigns will come from launch partners including Samsung, Yoobee and Reflex.

Cleve Cameron from Big Street Bikers says the initiative was designed to remove the barriers to using e-bikes and encourage people to use them.

“Electric bikes and scooters are an incredible vehicle for social change because they bring cities to life while reducing New Zealand’s carbon footprint,” says Cameron.

“Everywhere else in the world, people have to pay to use recharging stations but we’ve been able to offer the service for free, thanks to partners like Phantom Billstickers and Mercury Energy.

“When I worked at Saatchi & Saatchi Wellington, we always believed New Zealand was a place where people could do great work that changed the world. With the Locky Dock I reckon we’ve come up a business model that does just that.”

Other Locky Docks locations will be announced later in June.

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