Those NAB ad of the month judges are obviously pretty tough nuts to crack, because Jeneal Rohrback from Marsden Inch, Sue Worthington from Indiego and Jon Coles from .99 decided not to select a winner for the October round. But in true NCEA fashion, they did give DraftFCB’s ‘Night test drive’ ad for Mini a Highly Commended acknowledgement.
The ad depicting a gurning police constable indulging in a lap dance ran in Truth Weekend, which the agency noted was “obviously the perfect newspaper for such a risqué photo shoot!” Who knew potential Mini drivers read Truth Weekend? Actually, who knew anyone read Truth Weekend.
Any ad that’s run in any New Zealand newspaper around the country is eligible to enter the competition. To view all the finalists in the current Newspaper Ad of the Year series visit the NAB website.
In other awards news, this time of a less papery bent, Yahoo!Xtra is sending a shout out to all digital strategists to enter the third round of its Digital Strategy Awards.
“By rewarding smart digital thinking we are setting a benchmark for online campaigns and raising the bar for the industry,” says Laura Maxwell-Hansen, Yahoo! Xtra’s general manager.
Entries for quarter three close Friday November 12 and will be assessed by a panel of three, including regular judges Maxwell-Hansen and Helen Baxter from Mohawk Media with a guest judge to be confirmed.
The four quarterly winners will be eligible for the overall Y!X DSA Annual prize of $10,000 of media on Y!X plus free entry into the CAANZ Media Awards Best Use of Digital category. The first annual winner will be announced in February 2011.