David Seymour, the Act Party’s Epsom candidate, released a campaign video in May that has been bouncing around YouTube for the last few months. And from the evidence on show in the nearly three-minute clip, it appears that Seymour might be a little new to the on-screen political game.
Following the widespread ridicule that came with the release of the video, Seymour posted a follow-on clip in which he concedes that his performance was slightly bizarre. In the clip, he starts off by thanking the public for mocking his Ricky Bobby hand gestures and monotone voice, because this led to the video being shared and viewed over 20,000 times. And then, after doing a short parody of his own video, he invites members of the public to sleep outside for a night in an effort to raise funds for the homeless.
Several parodies of the video have also been released: