This month the New Zealand Transport Authority turned to the social media channel Snapchat to warn drug drivers of the effect that marijuana use can have on their driving.
This is the latest installment in NZTA’s campaign against drink and drug driving, targeting young males who generally don’t respond well to your traditional PSA style ad.
The Snapchat account ‘Tinnyvision’ documented a group of four Kiwi stoners mucking around, smoking weed and doing funny stuff.
The story takes a turn when the four go out for a drive to get takeaways. Shot from the back seat, it feels like just another one of the group’s videos until they get a nasty shock.
The video is immediately followed by another snap with a warning of the dangers of drug driving.
According to NZTA after the last snap is sent, the follower’s username is automatically deleted and no personal data is stored.
People were encouraged to follow the account through subtle promotions such as mentions on George FM. The campaign is via Clemenger BBDO.
This campaign is in the same vein as the Flash Driving Game that NZTA ran in 2012. This was a driving game that targeted young drivers and eventually ends up with a crash and the player’s Facebook photos flashing across the screen. NZTA has also targeted drug drivers with some brilliant video, including the multi-award-winning Blazed and Shop Keepers.