
Have your say on StopPress comments

StopPress readers, it’s time to have your say.

The StopPress comment section has long been a place for you to share your thoughts, positive or negative, on the work of your colleagues, peers, friends and foes.

While we’d like to see it be a place of constructive criticism that drives the industry with healthy debate, sometimes this goes too far and the value of your comments is called into question.

We love how New Zealand agencies and marketing teams represent New Zealand on the world stage and if we had a dollar for each time one of you told us that New Zealand’s creative industry punches above its weight, we wouldn’t be here writing this.

Unfortunately, that positivity and celebration is sometimes forgotten when you take to your keyboards, and the ability to hide your identity while you attack work and those behind it gets the better of you.

Currently, the editorial team moderate comments and remove any that we consider to be a personal attack, defamatory, untruthful and rude and appreciate your support of this.

Shortly, we will be unveiling a new website and with that comes a chance to change up how the comments work so we want to know what you think.

Stick with the status quo, remove comments altogether or ban anonymous comments? Have your say below.

The final call will be at our editorial discretion but we value the industry as much as you do and appreciate your thoughts on this.

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