CEO of Phantom Billstickers, Robin McDonnell, provides a wrap up of the World Out of Home Congress in Hong Kong, sharing his key takeaways.
CEO of Phantom Billstickers, Robin McDonnell, provides a wrap up of the World Out of Home Congress in Hong Kong, sharing his key takeaways.
Phantom Billsticker’s CEO Robin McDonnell provides a day one report of the World Out of Home Congress in Hong Kong, including key takeaways for the sector.
Robin McDonnell reports back from the World OOH Congress held in Lisbon on the advancements in measurement and sustainability.
Robin McDonnell of Phantom Billstickers discusses why posters are experiencing a revival in a world dominated by screens.
Robin McDonnell, ECO of Phantom Billstickers, shares new perspectives and ideas fresh from the World Outdoor Organisation congress.
Every year, StopPress asks players in the local industry for their reflections on the year that was. Here’s what Robin McDonnell, CEO at Phantom Billstickers, had…