Happy Snapr: Fashion Week spreads the photographic love

NZ Fashion Week has finished for another year. And, away from all the preening, strutting and Blue Steeling on the catwalk, a new Kiwi-conceived social media tool was making a name for itself behind the scenes, with the free iPhone photo app Snapr being employed to stream and geo-tag live photos from the runway straight to the NZFW website.

Snapr, which was created by Edward Talbot and Rowan Wernham, both currently based in New York, teamed up with the promotional crew at Fashion Week to create a live media page showing photos from the event and the official Twitter stream (read more about the app and the recognition it received from Microsoft early this year here and here’s a story about the technology that featured in the Herald).

The Snapr images refreshed every 15 seconds, so Talbot says site visitors could feel like they were part of the action. It also offered a platform for up and coming photographers to see their work published, and NZFW says it generated more than 200,000 page impressions over the week, without any extra work required.

Fashion Week already had a large and enthusiastic social media audience via Facebook (9000 fans), Twitter (1,735 followers) and, to a lesser degree Youtube, so part of its social media strategy this year was to embrace photosharing as well, which makes sense given fashion is such a visual medium.

Talbot says it is simple to create a stream/image cloud from any event by selecting your area and date range and embedding a widget. A number of variables can be chosen to pull images, such as location, user account or text tag. And from there anyone using the app to upload shots can easily participate.

Snapr was also used at the CreativeTech conference and a similar widget was used by Lucire magazine to stream photos from New York Fashion Week onto its website. And Talbot says Snapr is currently working on a range of new features and upload options for other smart phones and internet enabled cameras.

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