2024 seems to have been the year of local heroes, with nine of the Kantar Ad Impact Award monthly winners coming from home-grown brands and just one crafted overseas for international distribution.
As such, huge plaudits and kudos need to go to the Kiwi brands and their agencies for producing such an array of wonderful creative copy which was clearly curated to resonate with the local market.
Despite representing different industries, these advertisements shared a number of themes that contributed to their impact and effectiveness. One of the most notable common factors being well-branded, emotional storytelling.
Appealing to emotions helps make brands more memorable and strengthens predisposition towards them, building equity in the long-term and sales in the short-term. Certainly, no bad thing in a year also characterised by a cost-of-living crisis!
There was also the liberal use of humour across our monthly winners, featuring mateship, quirkiness and uplifting, joyful animation. Dogs too also featured large, helping generate engagement with the ‘awww’ factor. And it was great to see some campaigns being built around authentic, observational insights that made the stories they were telling all that more relatable. All in all, a wonderful collection of creative copy, but with the greatest recognition being reserved for Wonky Box, who takes out Kantar’s 2024 Supreme Ad Impact Award Winner for their ad, ‘The Wonky Box Why’.
This ad showcased sustainable marketing that was highly impactful, actively engaging, and enjoyable to watch. The Wonky Box Why ad presented a light-hearted and humorous narrative that effectively communicated the brand’s mission. Its playful depiction of the animated “wonky” produce and the comical interactions between characters added to the ad’s charm, making it both entertaining and informative.
In particular, the ad performed exceptionally well at helping differentiate the brand, strengthen its appeal and increase its likely usage. Additionally, it also successfully delivered a playful yet convincing message about reducing food waste and supporting local agriculture, which put its brand purpose front and centre. Congratulations goes to Wonky Box!
Honourable mentions
Some memorable mentions go to Pak’nSave for ‘No Loyalty Cards’, a Stickman instalment that emphasised its brand promise by subtly, yet effectively, having a dig at its competitors, and to LEGO’s recent ad, ‘Cataclaws is coming to town’, which was seen to be both highly enjoyable and also effective at building brand love. Well done to all the monthly winners.
To read more about this award-winning ad, click here.