Blu Tack’s little monster takes Ad Impact Award

It’s certainly not the sexiest of products, but that hasn’t stopped Blu Tack’s colourful little monster from capturing the attention of Kiwis and taking out Colmar Brunton’s Ad Impact Award for January.

“There is no doubt that this ad ticks all the boxes for great branding,” says Colmar Brunton’s Harriet Dixon. “It integrates both the product and brand into the story of the ad really well. This little monster is certainly distinctive and aids impact by focusing consumers’ attention on the product, showing just how versatile Blu Tack is. Great impact and branding leads to an outstanding response, with one of the highest persuasion index scores we’ve seen. It really makes consumers want to get their hands on some Blu Tack, maybe to get creative and make one of these little guys for themselves.”

Michele Freeman, Bostik New Zealand’s marketing manager, says Bostik has its own marketing departments in different countries and and whilst Bostik (which is a multi-national) does have a global marketing strategy, there is flexibility to allow creativity within each country as to what the local marketing department can do with its advertising budget. But a TV campaign is fairly unusual for a single Bostik product in New Zealand (Blu Tack, which is one of Bostik’s strongest consumer brands in NZ, is made by Bostik Australia, but it didn’t have any current TV ads for Blu Tack over there because TV media is very expensive. As TV media was more affordable here, it was able to create the TV campaign). 

Al Dickman from production company Three Wise Monkeys came up with the idea for the stop motion monster and it was created by Trevor Hardy of Foolhardy Films, who, along with Dickman, has worked with the famous Aardman Animation studio in the past. This spot is part of a series of 15 second ads that ask the question ‘how do you Blu Tack?’, and Freeman says the others were “very much a team effort,” with Bostik’s managing director coming up with the idea for the ad involving a bit of wall-shaking sexy time.

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