Year in Review: Rory Gallery, Special Group

1. Favourite local campaign that isn’t yours 

Spark Generation Voice is well observed and well made. 

2. Favourite campaign that is yours 

We are most proud of our continued work on our long term brand platform for Smirnoff – Pure Potential. This year we created an innovation under the platform called ‘Flavour Cubes’. Essentially, they are ice cubes which are flavoured and as they melt they liven up your vodka soda. 

3. Favourite international campaign 

Nike – Nothing Beats a Londoner. World Class. 

4. Least favourite campaign 

Etisalat UAE – their campaign with Manchester City. The Telegraph in the UK wrote an article doing a blow by blow analysis which is very entertaining. 

5. Your own biggest success 

We’ve had an incredible new business run and won prestigious projects on Tourism NZ and the Dubai 2020 Expo. Next year is going to be about delivering great work for these clients. 

6. Most significant launch/innovation/thing of the year 

Popsocket for my iPhone. It is like a stand that you can carry everywhere. It is really useful, because like a lot of people nowadays, I watch a lot of sport/tv on my phone. 

7. What should be un-invented? 

The Powerpoint ‘New Slide’ Button. 

8. Lamest trend 

Discovering that you have figured out how to ‘floss’ is pretty uninspiring. 

9. Best brands 

KFC has been the stand out brand in the UK. Brilliant response to a crisis and great work since.

Globally, Nike have continued to push the boundaries, even when you didn’t think it is possible. The bravery of the Kaepernick work alone deserves huge credit.

There are of course some lovely New Zealand brands like Blunt and Karma Cola. I think some of the heavyweight brands have had a quieter year than usual. 

10. Best stoush 

Trump and Acosta. 

11. Heroes 

Healy, Best, Furlong, Ryan, Toner, O’Mahony, Van Der Flier, Stander, Marmion, Sexton, Stockdale, Ringrose, Aki, Earls, Kearney.

Also, to all the people who work at Special who this year helped us to win 15 new pieces of business. 

12. Villains 

Elon Musk. 

13. What died in 2018? 

The All Blacks

*runs to get passport*  

14. What’s the biggest mistake marketers will make in 2019? 

Short-Termism. Always short-termism. 

15. How far in our future do you think The Handmaid’s Tale is? 

My daughter is too awesome to let it happen.

About Author

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Rory Gallery is Chief Strategy Officer at Special New Zealand.

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