Hudson has released its latest salary and employment insights document for 2012. And, with modest optimistic hiring intentions across the sales, marketing and communications (SMC) profession in both Australia and New Zealand, it’s picking plenty of competition in the quest for talent this year.
Overall, the survey showed businesses are being placed under further pressure, with nearly half of hiring managers say the salary expectations of their preferred candidate exceeds their budget, and more than half of them ending up settling for their second choice candidate.
At present, there’s a lot of liquidity in the SMC labour force. Seven out of ten surveyed are considering a move in the next six months, with salary the key driver for about 36 percent of candidates in the industry. The growth in demand for digital marketing expertise is also proving to be key driver in the profession and will be for the foreseeable future.
- 68.5 percent of SM&C professionals are considering moving jobs in the next six months, and more than a quarter think it will be easy or very easy to find another job with comparable pay and conditions.
- 57 percent received a pay rise in 2011, which was the largest across all the industries surveyed, and 21 percent received a rise of more than ten percent.
- 25 percent felt they weren’t adequately remunerated last year, and 64 percent felt they deserved a pay rise in 2012.
- Salary was the biggest factor for retention for 34 percent of candidates, with 13.5 percent wanting stronger leadership and 18 percent better career opportunities.
- 37.5 percent of employers felt that the salary expectation of their preferred candidate exceeded their budget, middle of range across the industries surveyed.
- When employers do increase their budget to secure their preferred candidate, 23 percent expect to see more experience, 25 percent expect to see a particular strength in a specified competency area and 20 percent expect the candidate to start performing faster.
- When employers did increase their budget, 62 percent said they had received real value from doing this.
- 29 percent of hiring managers for sales, marketing and communications professionals in Australia and 15 percent in New Zealand say they will increase permanent staff numbers in 2012.
Download the full guide here: SMC_Salary_Guide2012-ANZ (most in-demand jobs on page 9 and salary tables on page 28).