Tui sticks to its knitting with new brewery-raid brand ad

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The booze laws are in for a bit of a tune-up this year, with a yet-to-be-announced, Government appointed panel set to bang heads over things like the role of alcohol sponsorship, price controls and industry self-regulation of advertising. Of all the beer brands, Tui is probably the one most often singled out for pushing the envelope, both for its controversial, long-running, PC-busting billboards and for supposedly using sex to sell beer with the Tui brewery girls. But the numerous complainers haven’t stopped it from continuing to use cheekiness and humour in its ads and, carrying on the popular tradition of using brewery raidselaborate disguises and gnomes—Saatchi & Saatchi and The Sweet Shop have launched another entertaining brand ad for Tui Blond lager. 

Slightly ironically, given Tui’s marketing over the years, DB sent out a press release following the recent news that a female brewer was barred from entering the Lake Hayes homebrew competition because she was a woman, with managing director Brian Blake lambasting the organisers’ archaic attitude. And, as it turns out, it seems there is an element of truth to the ads.

“Women have been making a huge contribution to the New Zealand brewing industry for decades and DB has many women working in senior brewing and management roles. I will be getting in touch with Rachel personally to invite her to work alongside one of our brewers, female and male, at our Timaru or Auckland breweries just to reiterate that it doesn’t matter to DB whether she is female or not. What matters is her passion for brewing, something Rachel has clearly demonstrated she has plenty of.”

DB currently employs several females in senior brewing roles including Kylie Harris who manages the iconic Tui Brewery in Mangatainoka and senior brewer Natasha O’Brien, who works at Waitemata Brewery and who recently joined an elite invite-only panel of judges at the Brewing Industry International Awards in the UK. She has also been invited to judge at the 2012 World Beer Cup in San Diego in May. Former ‘baby brewer’ Beth Park also works for DB in Timaru as a beer quality manager and has more than 15 years brewing experience.


Clients: Tui Beer: Jarrod Bear, William Papesch, Clare Morgan

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi

Executive Creative Director: Antonio Navas

Creatives: Matt Sellers, Cory Bellringer

Producer: Jane Oak

Group Account Director: Mark Cochrane

Account Director: Natalie Downes

Film Company: The Sweet Shop

Director: Stuart McDonald

Producer: Larissa Tiffin

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