Sovereign picks Tenfold for print and design

Insurance provider Sovereign has chosen four-year-old agency Tenfold mostly for print and design work.

Sovereign’s general manager of marketing David Drillien wouldn’t say who else was in the running for the business, but said it chose Tenfold because it could be a “decent size client” for the agency and because its specialisations fitted with what Sovereign needed.

“We didn’t want to be a monster client or a tiny client. We fitted in that middle space. “The second reason is their core business was what we needed them to do. We still do a lot of printed material – their core business was aligned to what we needed them to do.”

Sovereign also works with Touchcast, Greenwire and Datacom on digital. Tenfold has worked on Sovereign’s web microsites, brochures, direct mail, events and exhibitions, says managing director Brendon Gleeson.

The company has taken on two creatives and an account manager as a result of winning the Sovereign business late last year, Gleeson says.

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