A quick look inside Google’s New Zealand HQ

A year ago Google New Zealand consisted of three people who would fly back and forth from Sydney to manage sales over here. Now there’s about a dozen sales staff working in Auckland.

The headquarters on the Auckland waterfront was refurbished eight months ago by Spaceworks. It definitely feels very Googley.

Welcome to Google, are you feeling lucky?

The decor style is best described as a bach that’s fallen into the picnic area your local park.

Around 12 staff manage Google’s sales services to New Zealand businesses. Mostly advertising and enterprise apps related.

Meeting room transported in from the sixties.

A novel approach to the humble awards shelf. No those aren’t Google Glasses.

Colour scheme is definitely very Google.

Efficient storage of office plants or symbol of the Matrix? You decide.

Tony Keusgen, country manager for New Zealand.

Henning Dorstewitz, global comms manager for Australia and New Zealand.

Photography by Sim Ahmed.

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