Primary ranks rural heavyweights and hits target with first edition

The first issue of the new high-brow rural title Primary has just been launched and it’s kicked off in style with The Farm 40, a potentially controversial list of the top ten leaders, entrepreneurs, thinkers and up-and-comers in the Kiwi agricultural sector, which was chosen by a panel of experts. 

The magazine, which will be published every three months, aims to fill a gap in the market for a sophisticated, rural-based title that looks beyond the farm gate, tries to trumpet the fact that farmers are smart businessmen using smart technology and delivers proactive, independent analysis of the major economic, scientific, political and cultural issues most likely to impact upon New Zealand’s farm industry. And publisher Julian Andrews says it has been received very well by the market, with one caller saying it was exactly the kick up the pants the Kiwi agribusiness sector needed.

Horse farmer, free range egg gifter, passionfruit grower and Primary’s editor Dwight Whitney says it has also found favour among his harshest critics down at the country tennis club.

“I’m getting calls/comments from farming mates in Karaka—the real deal dairy farmers and the like. And they love it, particularly the look and quality content.”

The magazine is being mailed to over 12,000 individually-identified, high-net-worth farmers and the first issue is being distributed to another 1,500 customers of sponsors of the Farm 40, Bank of New Zealand (which has also become a major sponsor of the magazine as a whole), Audi, Bayer, Farmside, Mercury Energy, and PGG Wrightson.

“There have been some changes since Tangible Media first announced this magazine, but they’re all for the best,” says publisher Julian Andrews. “Primary was originally going to be a customer magazine published for PGG Wrightson. Wrightson still supports the proposition, as you will be able to see from its advertising in the issue. But both parties agreed the publication is better as a totally independent product, and so it now joins the other Tangible-owned business titles like Idealog and NZ Marketing.”




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