It was less than two years ago that BNZ released its cute, fluffy, cloud-like logo into the wild. Some thought it was fresh, different and looked like toothpaste. Others thought it was too fresh, too different and too toothpastey and, therefore, lacked history and gravitas. And it seems the BNZ brand boffins agreed with the latter, because it’s gone back to its astronomical roots and changed its logo again, adding the classic Southern Cross back in, reducing the fluffiness and chopping that cheeky vestigial tail off the B.
When asked who was responsible for the redesign, Erica Lloyd, BNZ’s external relations manager rather confusingly said the bank doesn’t really see the changes to the logo as a redesign. But she did say the ‘non-redesigned logo’ was “a three way co-production if you like between us here at BNZ, Sugar and DNA”.
Apparently, the reappearance of the Southern Cross is a “small but significant evolution for the bank” and its customers who, following a consultation process, said they wanted to see it when they saw the Bank of New Zealand.
“The Southern Cross has been part of the bank’s identity since mid last century. It first appeared in the early 1950s within the coat of arms that formed part of BNZ’s first ever logo and was later carried over into the Chevron logo that served the bank from the late 1970s.”
2011 is BNZ’s 150th Anniversary, so the bank thought it was the perfect time to return the ‘stars’ to the logo to connect to its past and the role it has played in the growth and development of New Zealand since 1861.
The new logo, which was released yesterday, has already been tacked on the Whale Watch series, the website, ATM screens, statements and business cards. And it will also be phased in across other branded items (e.g. stationery; collateral) as stocks run out. Store and partner centre signage will be refreshed as part of the national refurbishment plan over the coming months.
Waddaya think? Read some of the opinions from graphic design boffins here.