Nature TV: Kiwi connection goes bush for Sony’s CG epic

Youtube VideoSony has a history of making beautiful ads to sell its TVs, with bouncing balls, paint and rabbits all clocking up millions of views on YouTube. And Flying Fish director Luke Savage and local effects house Blockhead have built on that tradition with a brilliant TVC for agency Frontage Inc in Japan to promote the qualities of Sony’s X-reality picture engine. 

To transform the landscape with millions of flowers a mixture of techniques was enlisted, including beautifully filmed plates and the compositing of real and CG elements.

Says the Blockhead website: “Blockhead supervised the VFX on set in the South Island whilst simultaneously back at the studio millions of flowers were being grown, televisions assembled and planet Earth created in CG. Then the 2d team got to work compositing the CG along with creating an entire environment from high res stills, extending a forest, adding a storm etc. Pretty slick aye.”


Agency: Frontage Inc, Japan
Production Company: Flying Fish
Director : Luke Savage
DoP: John Toon
Executive Producer: James Moore
Production Producer: Leela Menon
Visual Effects: Blockhead

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