
More sick days, smiles and sex; Special Group report shows new Kiwi habits post Lockdown

Special Group has released a in-depth report on Kiwis habits during lockdown and following the lifting of restrictions. The report highlights a growth in local shopping, working from home as a new lifestyle and Kiwis adding some spice in the bedroom bubble.

The 62 page report released by Special’s strategy department focuses on a look at life after the lockdown, showcasing the beautiful side of a new simple lifestyle and taking jabs at the crazy reality we have adapted to so quickly.

Some interesting insights from the report showed that 48 percent of New Zealanders value teachers more than they did pre-lockdown.

“Maybe Ashley Bloomfield’s dynamism moved women in more ways than one?” says the report.

Since lockdown, 71 percent of women stated that they were more likely to stay home next time they got sick, compared with 56 percent of men.

Fantastically, 83 percent of New Zealanders are making more of an effort to buy local. Not fantastically, our little introvert, slight awkward Kiwi way means now a massive 67 percent of us are struggling to know how to greet people. The new way of greeting is something that every culture will have to reckon with.

Kiwis did well over Lockdown, and the only thing we managed to fuck up was each other. 44 percent of Kiwis feeling more positive about their relationships with those who were in their bubbles and more than a quarter (26 percent) of those who live with their partners saying they had more sex during lockdown.

Turns out Banana Bread wasn’t the only thing rising during Lockdown. The report also concluded that 25 percent of all people who were with their partner tried something new in the bedroom.

The look of disappointment

Yet some of us disobeyed Saint Bloomfield, with 33 percent of New Zealanders admitted to breaching lockdown at least once.

All in all the report shows that 38 percent of New Zealanders felt optimistic about the next six months, while 32 percent felt neither positive nor negative.

“In short, the largest team-building exercise in the nation’s history has left the nation feeling surprisingly optimistic about the job to do,” says the report. “But that’s not to say that there’s no trepidation. 30 percent of New Zealanders felt somewhat pessimistic about the next six months.

“This shows we still have a long way to go, and the incoming economic impacts could tear the fabrics of society apart as quickly as this pandemic bought neighbourhoods together.”

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