A magazine ad that keeps an eye on your kids and a book that cooks your meat

Most print ads just sit there, doing nothing, hoping to be noticed and generally helping no-one but the advertiser. But print ads can sometimes be quite helpful (need a bottle opener?), so here are two recent examples of paper being used to extremely good effect. 

Nivea has a history of creating useful advertising, with its solar powered ad from last year via FCB São Paolo that was able to charge devices. Now, in a continuation of that idea, the pair have created an ad that allows beach-goers to keep track of their kids.

As Fast Company writes: “The page features a detachable bracelet made from humidity-resistant paper that you fit to your child’s wrist, download the app and sync it with the bracelet. Parents can set the distance limit of how far their little beach bundle of joy can wander and will be alerted if (or when) that distance is crossed.”

No word on whether parents can set the bracelet to give their wandering spawn a shock, like those harsh pet collars. 

And taking the utility of paper even further, cookware brand Tramontina and JWT Brazil created the Biblia Definitiva Do Churrasco AKA The Bible of Barbecue. It’s not your usual book, because its pages also take care of every element of barbecuing, from starting a fire to protecting against splatters to sharpening knives to acting as a cutting board.   

The book was sent out to fancy chefs. But a simplified version will also be sold in bookstores, so if you’re looking for that special something for that special meat-lover, keep an eye (fillet) out.

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