Fresh up ventures back in time to celebrate 50 years

Beginning as just a way to use up leftover apples in the 1960s, one of New Zealand’s classic juice bevvies, Fresh up, is celebrating 50 years of production this month.

Now flowing from the Auckland-based, Suntory-owned Frucor factory in a stream of seven million packs per year, the product was initially just a solution to the Apple and Pear Growers Board’s dilemma of what to do with truckloads of leftover fruit (early Kiwi ingenuity perhaps) and in 1962 the first single manufacturing line created 1000 cans each day—of the type that required can openers at home.

The brand began associating itself with athletes, including Sir John Walker, Marc Ellis and Matthew Ridge, Annelise Coberger, New Zealand cricketer Geoff Howarth and even sweaty, earnest squash players. But it was track star Sir John Walker who came out with the Fresh up slogan in 1978. Trying to speed things up on set, he threw away his given lines and told the film crew, “Look guys, it’s gotta be good for you”, a slogan that stuck with the brand until the 1990s. The brand, however, moved from serious to comical, with ads showing characters jumping off waterfalls, wearing pink batts, playing extreme golf, getting blasted by wind, or getting violated by creeps in Colenso BBDO’s Thirst is Creepy.

“It is a juice that has its roots firmly entrenched in Kiwi inventiveness and positivity,” says Joel Reichardt, Fresh Up’s brand manager. “During Fresh Up’s lifespan there have been over 12 flavour variants, but one thing has remained the same—the logo and colours—consistency which has ensured the brand is a staple in many Kiwi households.” 

BelowTheLine was behind the 50 years campaign, which features six executions of the same three models in similar poses styled to a different decade throughout the brand’s history.

“It was a fun campaign to work on, a real celebration of the changing times that Fresh Up has been a part of,” says BelowTheLine director Ghanum Taylor.

Launched up and down the country across Adshel, bus backs, radio, Facebook, online and point-of-sale, the project also saw the agency design the packaging for a limited-edition commemorative can. Produced across 2 SKUs—apple/orange and original apple—the can offered consumers 20 percent extra free and, to back that up, it also ran a competition on Facebook offering those who uploaded a video the chance to win 20 percent of the average New Zealand salary ($8,870.60).

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