Fresh-up calls on Kiwi rivals to take their battle to live TV

Fresh-up, Colenso BBDO and OMD are calling on real mates with real rivalry to take each other on in a ‘Beat Your Mate, Smash Your Thirst’ campaign, set to be broadcast on TV through a partnership with TVNZ.

The winning pair will get to take each other on in whatever form, in a stadium event broadcast live as an hour-long primetime TV special on TVNZ Duke, and take home appearance fees, prize money and the obligatory cold cans of Fresh-Up for their efforts.

Frucor senior brand manager Kylie Biddle says Fresh-Up has always had mateship, rivalries and reward at its heart and recalls the competitiveness of the Marc Ellis and Mathew Ridge ads from the 90s. Now, two decades later, the new campaign is attempting to show that heart again, in a contemporary and irreverent way, using the possibilities of today’s media mix.

Marc Ellis and Mathew Ridge make an appearance in a 1997 Fresh-Up ad.

Colenso BBDO executive creative director Steve Cochran says those who want to be the faces of ‘Beat Your Mate, Smash Your Thirst’ should want a bit of fame, be comfortable hyping and promoting themselves and be willing to perform to a crowd in a stadium on nationwide TV.

TVNZ is helping in the selection process, by looking for those who have the qualities required to hold viewer’s engagement for the entire live TV broadcast, and so far, Colenso senior business director Natalie Downes says there have been some hilariously brilliant entries.

Working with TVNZ for the campaign comes after the two brands came together to create the Short & Wide series on TVNZ OnDemand, in which three failed sportsman take to the screen for banter, gags and sports chat. As a sponsor, Fresh-up has been integrated into the episodes and TVNZ’s general manager of content solutions, Lyndsey Francis told StopPress earlier this year, the series has provided a place for it to try something new and push the boundaries

One episode saw one of the hosts dressed as a piñata while Art Green donned boxing gloves to hit him.

The Short & Wide content has also been pushed out on Fresh-up’s social channels, most recently, with the hosts promoting ‘Beat Your Mate, Smash Your Thirst’ and calling for entries. NZME has also provided radio partnerships to promote the event.

An announcement of the competitors and promotion of the event is scheduled for early next year.


Client: Frucor Beverages Ltd
Marketing Director: Craig Irwin
Marketing Manager: Mel Cummings
Senior Brand Manager” Kylie Biddle
Agency: Colenso BBDO
Media Agency: OMD
Media Partners: TVNZ, NZME.
Production Companies: Blacksand, Reel Factory

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