Young, Bright & Broke’uns get a dose of inspiration

Young, Bright & Broke is official. 200 of the industry’s brightest young things turned up to the Marvel Grill in the Wynyard Quarter last week to kick off the group’s inaugural event. And we’ve got the photos by Courtney Herbert to prove it.

Established by CAANZ and sponsored by APN in an effort to engage, inspire and challenge the young talent of the communications industry, APN’s Todd McLeay opened the evening by speaking about the realities of leading within the industry, and the joy that comes from seeing your creativity come to fruition. And Kevin Roberts, global chief executive of Saatchi & Saatchi, followed with his presentation of industry insights and a call encouraging their openness to let any idea fly.

All the young, bright & broke’uns left the launch charged with four goals to pursue in their careers: responsibility, learning, recognition and joy. They were told the value of nurturing creativity, that even the freshest new-comer has a right to be inspired at work, and that if they don’t experience sheer unadulterated joy  and satisfaction fromsomepart of their job then they may as well be a lawyer or accountant instead.

There may have been talk that the success of the night has set the bar too high for future events, but like Roberts said, the young are pioneers of radical optimism. So there are high hopes for the next gathering.

Young, Bright & Broke would love to hear from you on what you’d like to see, and who you’d like to hear from. Just hit up the Facebook page, and have your say.

For more information on the CAANZ Young Leadership Group click here.

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