Year in Review: Robin McDonnell, Phantom Billstickers

Every year, StopPress asks players in the local industry for their reflections on the year that was. Here’s what Robin McDonnell, CEO at Phantom Billstickers, had to say.

  1. Favourite local campaign

Our own post Lockdown “Aotearoa Be Kind” collaboration with local artist Lester Hall became an iconic symbol of the national sentiment. Judging by the amount of posters we had to replace, liberating these posters from Phantom frames was also a national pastime!

  1. Favourite international campaign

Community is Kindness campaign from our billsticking Sisters and Brothers at Jack Arts. Beautifully simple and perfectly timed to capture the mood of the globe, provide hope and context at just the right time. 

  1. Least favourite campaign

All political advertising. Bland, unimaginative and full of political wank.

  1. Pick three words to describe 2020

Bushfire. Pandemic. Monolith. 

  1. Most memorable moment from lockdown?

Time with whānau. 

  1. First thing you did in Level 1?

Supported local hospitality. 

  1. First place you’ll travel to when borders open?

Take me somewhere warm. Big Island, Hawaii. 

  1. Heroes of 2020

David Letele & BBM. 

  1. Villains of 2020

Anyone that spouts QAnon nonsense. 

  1. What have you learnt about the world this year?

Human contact is essential. The Matrix is plausible. Also wfh wasn’t that bad! 

  1. What personality trait got you in the most trouble this year? 

Avoiding questions. 

  1. What achievement are you most proud of this year?

Phantom celebrated 38 years in business in 2020 and we’re still going strong. 

  1. Silver lining of 2020? 


  1. Best brands of 2020

Patagonia and The North Face for setting an example with #StopHateForProfit

  1. Lamest trend of 2020

Virtual conferences.

  1. Best innovation

Meal Kits are a lifeline. 

  1. What died in 2020?


  1. Guilty Netflix obsession?

Not so much a guilty obsession but I have spent way too much time rewatching Brooklyn 99 and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. 

  1. Twitter or Instagram?


  1. What should be uninvented? 

QAnon tin hat conspiracy theories. 

  1. What’s the biggest mistake advertisers will make in 2021?

Shameless plug alert… Not booking Phantom campaigns. With the most extensive network in NZ we can take your brand to every nook and cranny.

Year in Review is brought to you by Discovery New Zealand.

About Author

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Robin McDonnell is the CEO of Phantom Billstickers.

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