In keeping with an ongoing tradition, a few industry players gave us their take on the year for our annual opinion harvest. Here’s what Campbell Gibson, the ad/media reporter at the NBR, thought about 2014.
1. Favourite local campaign
Hell Pizza’s rabbit skin billboard was definitely a stand out. Seeing the PC police get up in arms always makes me smile.
2. Favourite international campaign
Sainsbury’s Christmas ad. Got me right in the feels.
3. Least favourite campaign
‘Introducing Amazon Echo’. This is cringe incarnate. Remember those terrible nuclear family ads? Yeah, this is the modern version.
4. Your own biggest success
A story I did on gaming classification in New Zealand. No other media organisation in this country has really covered the subject. Gaming is a pretty big passion of mine so I was happy to jump on the opportunity.
5. Favourite magazine/website/TV show/radio show/podcast/news service/app/song/other
Reddit. I use it every day because it has a great model that can’t be replicated. Too many left wingers on it though…
6. Most ridiculous buzzword
‘Content.’ It’s so generic and I hate the number of times I hear this from the ad industry. I can’t think of an alternative but there HAS to be another word.
7. Best innovation
3D printing. It’s been around for a little while but it’s crazy how fast it’s developing. And no, it’s not just for printing little toys. Watch this 3rd Degree video (starts at 28:37) if you want to see how it’s really going to change your life in a few years.
8. Most over-hyped ‘innovation’
Any wearable technology (Google Glass, smart watches). It will eventually become useful but today is not that day.
9. Best brands
John Key. Love him or hate him, public approval is still strong despite justified criticism about the different ‘hats’ he wears and shenanigans in his office. Never underestimate the power of the political selfie.
And, as others have said, Spark has shown us how to do a rebrand.
10. Best stoush
M+AD editor David Gapes and former DDB creatives vs. DDB CEO Justin Mowday. ‘Twas interesting to see that episode unfold.
11. Heroes
Pope Francis has done an incredible job to repair the public image of the Catholic Church as well as helping the US and Cuba see eye to eye.
12. Villains
Kim Dotcom for getting into politics.
13. Predictions for 2015
For me, more branching out into other rounds such as technology. For the media industry, it will be interesting to see if these SVODs start to really take off in New Zealand and shift attention away from mainstream TV.
According to Font’s recent survey, 43 percent of marketing professionals in New Zealand are looking to change jobs next year and 65 percent will be re-evaluating career plans over the Christmas period. So check out some of the roles Font has on offer here and have a gander at the infographic based on the survey results here.