We live in increasingly digital times. And the language often used to explain some of those digital developments is downright confusing. Fear not, dear luddites, for String Theory has created a dictionary “to shine a little light into the impenetrable murk of digital terminology for the benefit of the non-expert, the vaguely interested or anyone who just wants to give the flimsy impression they know what they’re talking about”.
As String Theory ‘navigator’ Jane Cherrington wrote on LinkedIn: “Sick of not knowing your ASP. NET from your elbow? Worried when your 12-year-old son tells you he’s mastered Ruby? When someone says ‘Joomla’, do you say “bless you”…?
If so, then go for a hoon here.
While Google is basically just one big dictionary, this puts it all in one place, categorises the info and, along with a serious description, also offers quirky audio descriptions of the phrase in question with the backing of some jaunty theme music.
For example, social media: “Social media is considered by some to herald the end of civilisation. And if this does happen, it will be widely reported on YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. Like.”