Wool-I-am is back in town (and country) in Cavalier Bremworth’s latest push

Cavalier Bremworth’s Wool-I-am originally appeared in a series that was launched almost two years ago and espoused the benefits of wool carpets over synthetic. This time the New Zealand carpet maker’s campaign, once again via Federation, focuses on the company’s unique ability to manage the quality of its wool carpet right through from the farm to the tufting plant in Auckland, to the customer’s floor, with its sheep mascot posing in Napier, having a cappuccino in Auckland and even driving a truck. 

The ad also makes plain it has Kiwis on the job every step of the way. The company has been around for 55 years as part of our massive wool industry (New Zealand is the world’s third-largest wool exporter, supplying 45 percent of the world’s carpet wool). 

Cavalier Bremworth is owned by Cavalier Corporation, and it also has a wool-buying business, a half-share in the country’s biggest wool scours in Canterbury and Hawke’s Bay and its own dyeing and spinning plants in Napier, Wanganui and Christchurch. This woollen empire means the whole process for wool carpet production can be carefully controlled, and it can keep a lot of New Zealanders employed. 

“We’re a major New Zealand company that employs more than 550 staff and we want people to know that when they buy a Cavalier Bremworth wool carpet, there’s a whole chain of New Zealanders that benefit from that – from the farmer right through to transport operators and our retailer,” says Cavalier Bremworth’s marketing manager Desiree Keown.

The new TVCs will be supported by billboards in high traffic areas in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch including airport sites. Social media will also drive awareness, encouraging New Zealanders to ‘share the sheep’ through Facebook and YouTube and to engage through a number of other initiatives including competitions to win lapel badges and t-shirts to support New Zealand wool – both these items are made in New Zealand by New Zealand companies (Spincast and Seabreeze).

It’s too early to say how this campaign will fare, but based on what creative agency Federation’s website says about the results of the last lot of Wool-I-am TVCs, it will do well: “Almost overnight, the campaign abruptly halted market share decline and customers began walking into carpet stores around the country, asking for Cavalier Bremworth by name.”

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