What the Fluxx: Pickering says au revoir to AmbientX, starts afresh with experiential focus

As the recent CAANZ research shows, experiential marketing is so hot right now. And AmbientX, which is part of the Australian-owned Ambient Advertising Group, has long been at the forefront of that scene in New Zealand. Now, in an effort to distance itself from the obvious associations with ‘ambient’ and specialise in experiential, co-founder and creative director Mark Pickering has bought the business and will be re-branding the company as Fluxx beginning in June.“After a fantastic, award-winning three years as part of the Ambient Advertising group I have decided to take the step to separate the business to make a clear distinction on the offering of our agency from Ambient and to move to more suitable premises. Ambient Advertising are the best at what they do—ambient media—and I want Fluxx to be the best agency in New Zealand dedicated specifically to experiential marketing [check out his column on measuring experiential here].”

He says the ambient name created considerable confusion in the marketplace as to what the offering was and there was also a different view from the Aussie board on how the business should move forward in the next three years.

“With CAANZ and EMANZ surveys and feedback from clients showing that experiential is going to be a growth channel in the coming years, I thought that now was the time to take on the business myself and drive it in the direction that will benefit my clients more specifically in the experiential and event areas.”

Pickering has taken his team of experiential and event creatives and campaign managers and moved to larger offices on East St in Newton.

“The office also contains considerable on-site storage for campaign and event collateral, as well as more suitable areas to store client product for product sampling campaigns, all which will benefit our client’s bottom line.”

He says the name Fluxx: Ideas in Motion, represents what the company does best: “putting brands into action in the ‘live’ marketing space through experiential, events, sponsorship leverage and live sampling”.

“As a Kiwi-owned company we intend to keep on delivering award winning campaigns for our core clients AMP, Sanitarium, Constellation Wines, Warehouse Stationery and Treasury Wine Estates, as well as our agency partners.”



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