We’ll show them: Socialites hits back at Snapchat’s ‘Auckland life’ releasing its own compilation

Social media marketing agency Socialites released its ‘SnapAuckland’ compilation today as part of its revolt against Snapchat’s ‘Auckland Life’, which it says failed to do the city justice. News of  Socialite’s endeavor to remedy the situation and Aucklanders’ disgruntled reaction to Snapchat’s previous attempt blew up, with Snapchat Miami catching wind of the story and pushing word out through its own channels.

The Snapchat “Life” initiative features everyday clips from famous cities around the world and has included the likes of New York, London, Dubai, Cape Town, Dublin and Liverpool, and as of last Tuesday, Auckland.

However, many Aucklanders weren’t too impressed with their version, with some saying it was like a bad tourist commercial, others noticing a lack of representation of the ethnic communities in Auckland and some were just pissed off that Snapchat spelt Auckland wrong, calling it “Aukland” on one of its geotag filters.

The new version features a more scenic view of the city and after just a few hours it’s already had over 30,000 views. While it’s unclear as-of-yet what Aucklanders think of the compilation overall, no doubt they’ll be flocking to social media soon to voice their opinions.

Last week Socialites invited Aucklanders to send in snaps to its ‘SnapAuckland’ channel to create the “real Auckland story”.

The agency called upon Content Boutique to help which created a video last week also urging Aucklanders to send in their snaps, then Mish Guru software curated the stories. “Putting together a new Auckland Snapstory which shows another, more beautiful and real side of Auckland,” Socialites managing director Wendy Thompson says.

A spokesperson for Socialites said earlier: “Auckland is a pretty epic city, full of life and vibrancy and we feel the Snapchat Auckland Live story missed some of what makes Auckland so awesome. We know Auckland can do better so we are calling on Aucklanders to show Snapchat and the world what makes our coastal city so special.”

Thompson says the undertaking of the compilation was huge with over 1000 snaps sent in, but the slog has been worth it with Snapchat Miami getting in touch with the agency on Saturday before its release.

“…our efforts were picked up internationally by Snapchat in Miami, [I] had a call from the editor that runs the Fusion channel on Snapchat Discover and they are going to help spread the word using their channels and platforms to the global Snapchat community, so yay for Auckland’s redemption.”

Other brands closer to home have also spread the word, like Air New Zealand and Vodafone.

Snapchat users can view the compilation by adding ‘SnapAuckland’ through the app.

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