In an effort to create a snapshot of New Zealand through the eyes of social media, Vodafone recently asked Kiwis to share their Tweets, Txts, status updates, videos, and pictures as part of Share Everything Day on 8 July. And the end result of all that sharing, a short-film created by Satellite Media, was released on Vodafone’s Facebook page today.
While the soundtrack makes our ears bleed and it kinda looks like an awards entry, it is a good example of brands creating something interesting enough for consumers to engage with while subtly–and relevantly—promoting the thing they’re selling (in this case more sharing via Vodafone’s nonstop access to Facebook and Twitter deal for $6 a month). And engage the consumers did, with 6,500 submissions received in 24 hours.
“It was fascinating to see the content come through live,” says Vodafone’s general manager of consumer marketing, Kursten Shalfoon. “We know that Kiwis are private people so we were surprised at how willing they were to share their day, and even a few personal moments, with us … The most popular medium was Facebook, followed closely by Twitter.”
More than 900 people woke to share their struggle to get to work on a Friday; another 550 shared their need for coffee to help them get through the day, and the fail-safe conversation starter, the weather, was the topic of 950 submissions. As a result of all that chatter, #shareeverything claimed the top spot as the most tweeted hashtag on Twitter in New Zealand 8 July.
New Zealanders were happy to share their love of food, with 700 people taking the time to share what was on their plate from breakfast through to dinner, and pets, with 450 people submitting pictures of their beloved animals.
According to psychologist Sara Chatwin, it is not unusual for people to talk about ‘safe’ topics such as the weather, pets and coffee consumption.
“Unlike our counterparts in America and Britain, social-networking is still a relatively new phenomenon for Kiwis. These results could indicate our wary approach to something that we’re not quite used to. Whether we will ever be as open and overt as our American counterparts remains to be seen.”