TVC of the Week: 17 July

Who’s it for: McDonald’s by DDB NZ and Revolver

Why we like it: It may not be the best guide to responsible parenting, but it’s a nice slice of Australasian life and it shows how sport-loving kids–and their parents—might deal with the annoying hemispherical time differences to get their fill of the London Olympics.

Who’s it for: Lawson’s by Publicis Mojo and The Down Low Concept

Why we like it: Australia generally has it over New Zealand when it comes to making comedy. But oh how the tables have turned for this six-part ‘viral’ campaign.

Who’s it for: Pak ‘n’ Save by DraftFCB 

Why we like it: A slight departure from the norm, with a soothing soundtrack, soaring birds and a stick figure with a Jason Voorhees mask on to celebrate Friday the 13th.

Who’s it for: Auckland City Mission by Publicis Mojo and 8com

Why we like it: A fairly straightforward spot to show the benefits of ‘spreading the warmth’ with a donation. And it links to an interactive map that aims to find Auckland’s most generous suburb. 

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