Tower and .99 make breaking bad news to significant others just a bit easier

Spouses, they’re scary. Am I right? Tower’s new TVC campaign plays on the age-old fear of breaking bad news to your significant other, showing that having a policy with the insurance company (or add-on services such as TXT updates) makes the task just a little bit less frightening.

“It’s a situation almost everyone has been in. Something’s gone wrong and you have to broach it with a loved one. But we wanted to remind people that, with Tower looking out for them, the situation isn’t so bad after all,” says head of marketing Mark Savage.

The two 30-second ads come via .99 and Thick as Thieves, with two more due to air in the near future.



Head of marketing – Mark Savage 

Brand marketing manager – Gail Baillie

Brand marketing executive – Suzi Harvey​


Chief creative officer – Craig Whitehead

Managing partner – Jarad O’Hara

Senior account manager – Aimeerose Scopes

Managing partner – Kathryn Thomas

Head of copy – Mark Easterbrook

Senior art director – Dom Antelme

Head of TV and motion graphics – Vicki O’Leary​

Thick as Thieves

Director – Alex Sutherland

Producer – Rebekah Kelly

Executive producer – Nik Beachman

DOP – Andrew Stroud

Editor – Cushla Dillon


Grade – Pete Ritchie

Online – Stefan Coory

The Coopers of Franklin Rd

Sound design – Jon Cooper 

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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