Special Group and MediaWorks TV took the non-rugby ball and ran with it for ‘The Home of Not Rugby’ campaign and their online ad that gave users the opportunity to ‘un-rugby’ an interactive banner has won the September IABNZ BollyAward, which aims to encourage great Kiwi-made online creative.
The judges—Jon Edmonds from Touchpoint; Claire Stapleton from Y&R and Justin Jones from .99—found it a “simple idea that made them smile”. And for its efforts Special wins a crate of New Zealand wine valued at $500 including a bottle of Champagne Bollinger. Media was placed by Mediaworks TV & phdiq.
Youtube VideoThe judges felt DDB’s “Chicken so tasty it sells itself” banner for McDonald’s, featuring (or, in this case, not featuring) Shane Warne, was a nice extension to the overall campaign. And for that they get to pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne Bollinger.
“We’ve had some notable entries this year and we’re looking forward to the last round in November,” says IAB general manager, Alisa Higgins. “We are currently working on putting together an annual prize and award celebration. More details along with a flash new BollyAwards site will be announced next year. In the meantime, entries close 2 November and I’m sure that box of wine will come in very handy for all those christmas parties around the corner.”