In the early days of America, it’s thought the colonisers gave blankets to the native Americans as gifts, but added in a surprise in the form of smallpox. And Special Group, as part of the Axis Share the Love campaign, has done something similar (without the murderous intent) by creating a “nine-panel, hand-crafted tribute” to Barnes, Catmur & Friends and lacing it with a dose of good-natured cheekiness.
All production was done by Arvid Eriksson and Special Group, illustration was by Ross Murray, sound was by Franklin Road and quilting was by Judy Schon.
“All reports say that the ‘Quilt of Love’ has resulted in record visitor figures for Auckland Art Gallery this month,” says creative director Tony Bradbourne.
Special Group is going to auction the quilt on TradeMe, “which is bound to raise hundreds of thousands knowing how popular BC&F are.” Suggestions for appropriate charities gratefully accepted.
Axis tickets are on sale now. Get ’em here. And check out the other videos of love here.