Spark puts a bunch of robots in formation to hype up the iPhone 7 release

Last year, a little 3D-printed me lined-up for an iPhone outside Spark Queen Street. I didn’t actually get a phone (I already had one and, it turns out, a free phone wasn’t part of the PR plan), but I did get to keep the Mini-Me.

This year, it’s a robot. A UBTech Alpha1 to be specific. I call it CB19. And, should I choose, it will line-up for a new iPhone for me. Spark has bought them just to stand in line on behalf of its customers. Clive Ormerod, Spark’s GM of customer and marketing, told me that we’ve been lining up for technology long enough, it was time for the technology to line up for us.

First the iPhone, then what? I’m thinking of turning CB19 into a professional scalper. Yeezy shoes, Beyonce tickets, boutique chocolate milk. They’ll all be mine (and available to you at an exorbitant mark-up).

This is what the queue for the iPhone will look like:

And this is what my robot looks like, ready and waiting for instruction.

Next week, I’ll report on what it’s like to live with a little robot for a weekend. And then we’ll find out a cool way to give it away (with tears swelling in my eyes, probably).

Stay tuned!

  • This story first appeared on our sister publication Idealog

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