
Of Auckland wankers, pink fists and offers of almost-free magazines

Vimeo VideoIs Latte-Land really nothing more than a rabid trash hole filled with Remuera tractors and rude, abrasive people who think life doesn’t exist south of the Bombays? Idealog doesn’t think so, and it’s standing up for Aucklanders everywhere (yes, even the ones who don’t live in Auckland any more). The latest issue contends why the Auckland hate must stop and that embracing the inner wanker is key to our wealth and happiness. Property Council head Connal Townsend, Waterfront Auckland chief executive John Dalzell, and Heart of the City’s main man-about-town Alex Swny explain why Auckland is now so much more than just an international airport and endless traffic snarl-ups. Plus: former Telecom marketing head Kieren Cooney spills the beans on the company’s provocative pink fist (and how the campaign unravelled), inside IBM’s secret Kiwi lair, Peter Jackson’s tiny aero-empire that’s capturing the hearts of bearded middle-aged men all over the world, and some local blokes who turned down MTV’s millions (and lived to tell the tale). Fill your boots now. In fact, we’ll fill them for you. Subscribe to six issues of Idealog and 6 issues of NZ Marketing here and we’ll give them BOTH to you for the fantasmagorical price of $60 + GST! Hoorah!

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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