New Zealand claims sixth at Cannes, earns bragging rights over Australia

As the final Lions were handed out over the weekend, New Zealand’s total haul of 60 over the course of the event saw the nation finish in sixth position, a significant leap from last year’s 12th. 

This result will taste particularly sweet, given that it puts New Zealand one place above our frenemies across the ditch, who only landed 58 Lions.  

As has come to be expected, the United States and United Kingdom led the standings, with 328 and 161 Lions, respectively.

Brazil’s haul of 131 Lions saw it placed third.

Final category results

Over the weekend, the final categories of the Cannes event were announced, and New Zealand landed gongs in the Integrated, Entertainment, Music and Titanium categories.

Here are the winning entries:

Integrated Lions:

Gold: McWhopper by Y&R NZ for Burger King
Bronze: Brewtroleum by Colenso BBDO for DB Export


Silver: ‘The Unforgotten Soldiers’ for Sky TV by DDB

Bronze: ‘McWhopper’ by Y&R NZ for Burger King

Music Lions:

Bronze: ‘Play the Bridge’ for 2Degrees by Special Group

Titanium Lions

‘Brewtroleum’ by Colenso BBDO for DB Export
‘​McWhopper’ by Y&R NZ for Burger King

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