Narrative Campaigns win Love Food Hate Waste NZ account

Narrative Campaigns has been selected by Love Food Hate Waste NZ, a nationwide initiative dedicated to inspiring households to minimise their annual food wastage, to collaborate on crafting strategic marketing and communication strategies.

The appointment will see Narrative Campaigns support the Love Food Hate Waste NZ team in developing its communications and marketing strategy, run an in-depth website audit and conduct a nationwide research project aiming to discover behaviour patterns around household food waste. 

WasteMINZ recently received $2.8 million from Ministry for the Environment, to support Love Food Hate Waste NZ for the next three years. Partnering with 52 councils and community groups the project will create multi-media campaigns encouraging Kiwi households to reduce the amount of food they waste.  

Recently appointed Communications Manager, Juno Scott-Kelly, says: “Food waste is a huge problem in Aotearoa, with the average Kiwi family throwing away three shopping trolleys of food each year. Not only is this a huge waste of money and resources, it is also terrible for the environment with food waste contributing to nine per cent of our biogenic methane emissions year on year.” 

“In tackling this problem, we’ll be working with Narrative Campaigns to help us understand and educate householders about the scale of the problem, with a collective goal alongside other organisations to reduce food waste by 10 per cent by 2030.” 

Erin Jackson, Founder and Director of Narrative Campaigns says her team is thrilled to be working with Love Food Hate Waste NZ to create an impactful communications and marketing strategy that is built with the insights and data from nationwide research. 

“We’re so excited to be working alongside the Love Food Hate Waste team to help them change the narrative around food waste in Aotearoa; we’ve already hit the ground running on research and are excited by the potential of this project to change the way we think about food waste across the motu. We’re thrilled that we’ve partnered with Cogo Research to support the gathering of the research insights that we need – and we’re looking forward to creating a highly actionable communications plan grounded in that that mahi,” says Jackson. 

Love Food Hate Waste started in Great Britain in 2007 by WRAP and was established in Aotearoa in 2017. With a goal to spread the word about food waste and reduce the amount of food being thrown away each year, Love Food Hate Waste NZ provides Kiwis with actionable good food habits, education tools and recipes to reduce food waste. 

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