Myer gives back with registry for abuse victims

Australian department store Myer has come out in support of the Salvation Army women’s refuge with its Give Registry campaign.

As with a wedding registry, shoppers are able to choose items from the Give Registry to purchase. These items are intended to replace the personal items left behind by women who have escaped to Salvation Army shelters from violent homes. Pillows, sheets, kitchen goods, small appliances, towels, socks and underwear for children are all in the registry.

The campaign is accompanied by an advertising campaign explaining the items’ importance to the women who receive them.

The Give Registry is a joint initiative between Myer and the Salvation Army. All product donations from it go to women and children supported within the Salvation Army’s women’s refuges. The products are shoppable in-store.

Myer has committed to match up to AUS$475,000 of customer-donated product each year, and also covers costs associated with the program such as delivery, transaction costs and marketing.

Closer to home, The Warehouse Group is a major sponsor of the Women’s Refuge. The Warehouse has an internal policy in place offering paid leave for victims of domestic violence, and in May, it launched a new tool which leveraged The Warehouse’s position as New Zealand’s largest online retail website to help women seek help and advice online without being tracked by their abuser.

A button on The Warehouse’s website launches an untraceable portal through which the victim can access advice on escaping a violent situation. The untraceable portal can be added to any website – find out more here.

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