MSN’s new Homes NZ website a hit

Mega stores have changed the face of home retailing, and MSN is hoping to recreate that same success online with Homes NZ. The new website appears to be pushing all the right buttons, attracting 36,000 page views in its first two days.

MSN general manager Liz Fraser said Kiwis love their homes and are more conscious than ever of home and living improvement possibilities.

“Home and garden online advertising grew 16 percent year-on-year. Online is usually the first place people look for inspiration. So we’re feeling quite bullish about our investment and the opportunity for MSN advertisers to engage a highly motivated audience,” she said.

Recent Roy Morgan research appears to support MSN’s assessment, with 45 percent of MSN visitors considering themselves a ‘Mr Fix-it’ and 30 percent looking to stay up-to-date with new home improvement ideas. And with 22 percent saying they intend to paint their home’s interior within the next year, and 37 percent intend on spending at least $5,000 on home renovations in the next year, the potential is huge.

“This is a major investment for MSN and we wouldn’t have committed to it without our launch partner Mitre 10, who has sponsored Expert Advice and DIY sections,” Fraser said.

She says the home and living category online is quite fragmented and Homes NZ addressed that by offering a single destination covering a range of special interest categories. “It’s a growing resource that will allow home makers to pursue their interests from many angles.”

Heavy on advice and tips Fraser said Homes NZ product content will grow as advertisers and sponsors get onboard.

“It is early days at this stage”, says Richard Carter, PR spokeshuman for MSN.

“But homes are the great Kiwi dream, much more so than other countries. We’re fascinated with home improvement.  And if you take the success of behemoth’s like Mitre 10, and replicate that online, the potential is absolutely massive. “

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