
Kiwi agencies are awesome, claims official Cannes Report

We reported on the unofficial results that placed New Zealand ninth best country overall soon after the big leonine haul at Cannes this year, and the just-released official report has confirmed our position in the top ten—and not per head of population, either, just flat out ninth most creative country in the world based on the awards Kiwi agencies won at the prestigious advertising event.

The overall ranking is two places higher than in 2009 (USA, UK, Brazil and Germany topped the list with our dear friends in Australia  ranked fifth) and Auckland was ranked the seventh most creative city in the world, behind New York and London at the top of the leaderboard.

Not surprisingly, given its record haul of ten lions, Colenso BBDO was right up there in the global rankings: 15th best agency, sixth best media agency, ninth best print and press agency and second best agency in the Asia Pacific.

Special Group was ranked eighth best independent agency in the world and, after winning the Direct Grand Prix with ‘Orcon + Iggy’,was ranked the third best direct agency in the world.

DDB NZ, with five lions, also featured prominently, ranked as the second best radio agency, 13th best direct agency and seventh best agency in the Asia Pacific.

Rounding out the accolades, Alt Group, which won gold and silver, was ranked as the 11th best design company.

In this edition, just the second time the Cannes Report has been published, individual creative success has also been calculated and there are also insights from the seminars and jury presidents about the industry and plenty of advice on how to put in good entries. You can buy the 194 page ad industry tome here. And you can read a few extracts by downloading this pdf. 2010_Cannes_Report_Extract

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